Homes prepared by: R E A V A S

a "Real Estate Agent's Value Added Services" company

REAVAS provides...
  true value adding services trusted
 by seasoned Real Estate professionals.
  a wide array of home sales enhancement services
 precisely designed by REAVAS.

an easing of the emotional stress and confusion

 from selling one's home or liquidating a family estate.

Real Estate Agents endorse...
REAVAS' focus to enhance marketability & value.
REAVAS' timeliness with & urgency on every project.

REAVAS' attention to detail for a positive & lasting

 first impression of the home on potential buyers & You.


REAVAS' informed communication, ease of accessibility,

 & fast return e-mail, Live-Chat, & telephone calls.


REAVAS' ability to cooperatively work with clients,

 trustees, attorneys, contractors, and the agent.


REAVAS' 1 on 1 personal attention, sensitivity,

 & dedication to every client & project.